Art / Kunst  -  Denise Pollack
Crazy is only the thing, the judging one didn't thought of yet

Short overview over my Projects and other work


Collaborational work and artist collective "Station Kreation"

Collaborational Piece together with Melanie König and Jon Seidman. Sketch was done together with switching canvas after 10 Minutes of sketching.

Painting and color was done by Denise Pollack.

Acrylic inks and marker on Canvas


My Books

  • childrens book fantasy: Kinderbuch Denise Pollack, 2020,"Die drei Waldgeister", 2.Auflage, ISBN-13 9783751954181, Verlag BOD
  • childrens book knowledge: Kinderbuch  "Mein großes Lastwagenbuch"
  • childrens book under 3: Kinderbuch "Erste Gute-Nacht-Geschichten in Schwarz-Weiß

